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Vendor of the Month: August

Name: Sheree Nichols

Name three words that describe you: Loyal, Determined, Creative.

What items do you specialize in? I specialize in vintage furniture and eclectic home decor.

What is your favorite place to source products? I love shopping in Pennsylvania; where I grew up!

What is your most prized possession that you've found over the years? I have this iron, scrolls, chippy gate from a home in Pennsylvania. If there was a tornado or other disaster, that’s the item I would grab before leaving my home!

Where do you find inspiration? I like looking through Pinterest, and through other antique booths. I also find a lot of inspiration in my friends’ homes.

How do you spend your time when you aren't at The NAT? I spend a lot of time helping my husband with his business. We also own a few AirBnBs, so we spend a lot of time remodeling and fixing those properties up for our guests!

What's your personal motto? I wouldn’t say that it’s my personal motto, but it’s something that speaks to me right now: “No one ever made a difference by being like everyone else.” - PT Barnum

Stop by and visit Sheree’s booth to find some of the best deals in the store!

See you on 6th this August!