Tuesday Tip: Vintage Halloween

Who says that Halloween décor has to be scary? It’s possible to achieve a kitschy and fun look without everything screaming BOO! Our vendors here at The NAT tend to go all or nothing when it comes to Fall + Halloween décor, and we’d like to share tricks (and some treats) that we absolutely adore!



Whether you have a few crows you snagged at your local craft store or if you want to create a vintage “graveyard” look, vintage birdcages do just the trick! Add a tiny caution sign and you’re in business!



Vintage jack-o-lanterns are easy to find at most antique stores. Start yourself a collection and hang them in your tree for wonderfully weird yard décor!


Go Glam

Fairytale pumpkins are our FAVORITE! Stack them on your mantle - or even your front porch - for a whimsical and glamourous vibe.



If carving isn’t your thing, you can create some amazing and unique looks with a little paint! A great craft to do with the kids as well.



Your home doesn’t have to look like the Great Pumpkin has taken over. Pick and theme, and stick to it! We’re loving this neutral bookshelf with the understated Halloween items.



We understand that dolls aren’t for everyone, but this kitschy wreath is right up our alley! The vintage bottle wreaths stuffed full of vintage doll parts make our vintage-loving hearts happy.



Vintage masks have SO much charm! The bright colors make them stand out among other decorations, and they’re a great conversation piece! Impress your Halloween party guests with a creative idea like this!

Whether you’re looking for great decorations for your upcoming Halloween party, or if you’re looking for a vintage costume for 6th Street’s very own Creepy Crawl, The NAT has what you’re looking for!

Tuesday Tip: Unique Vintage Planters

Are you tired of the same old boring planters? We love seeing unique and odd objects repurposed, so why not get creative with our plants? Fall is just around the corner, so we’d like to share a variety of upcycled items for you to use when your bring your plants inside when the weather gets a little cooler!

Porcelain Dolls

Porcelain dolls aren’t just for decoration in your kids room. Try using your broken dolls for planters instead! They will create a unique planter that your kids will love.


Hanging plants are the hardest to find cute planters for. Why not use a vintage birdcage?

Helping Hand

We all need an extra hand sometimes here and there, why not one for your plants too! Vintage hands are a great and creative way to showcase tiny collections of succulents.

Plant Babies

Do you still have your old strollers? Whether you want to turn them into a terrarium or just use one for your larger plants, they bring a great vintage vibe to any space.

Kitchen Ware

Want to add a little spice to your kitchen? Then try adding succulents into your old ladles. It makes for a unexpected addtion to any rustic kitchen.


Use your old chairs, or all of those garage sale finds, as planters. They would be a simple way to move your plants inside for the winter - straight from your fence to your walls!


Crystals are the hottest trend right now - and plenty of geode clusters are made into tealights! Why not ditch the candle, and go straight for the air plant!

Below are just a few of our unique planters that we have here at The Nat. Come check them out!

Tuesday Tip: Vintage Kitchens

Remodel season is officially in full swing! If you're anything like us, you have a mental list of everything you want to update around the house. The kitchen is typically the biggest update to try and tackle, but not everyone can dish out the cash needed for a complete overhaul. Today we're sharing a few tips & tricks that can give your kitchen a new look while sticking to a budget!


Don't just decorate, collect! The kitchen is a great place to start and share a collection. Old soda bottles, antique china, & rolling pins, are an easy way to get things started without breaking the bank.  


Cutting Boards

Cutting boards can add texture and depth to your space in a snap. We recommend finding and displaying aged ones on the wall while making a stack of more functional ones on an adjacent counter. 



Vintage scales abound in most antique stores. Look for ones that have their original logo for more visual interest. If you plan on actually using the scale, make sure it measures in increments suitable to your needs (ounces/pounds). They make a terrific place to set that banana bundle or use them to hide unsightly outlets and switch plates.



Our rule of thumb when it comes to cookbooks is, never pass a good one up! They're a versatile decorating tool that's also functional. They make wonderful housewarming gifts as well!



Not all collections are functional, and that's okay. There's a reason why a lot of kitchen utensils and appliances have been updated over the years, but bring new life to something old by thinking outside the box! 



Turning vintage crates into drawers is a genius idea, but if that seems a bit overwhelming, try adding vintage wooden shelves or an old Hoosier Cabinet to warm things up! The possibilities here really are endless!



Canisters are a customer favorite here at The NAT. People are always looking for a little extra storage on their counter, and a stacking canister set does just that while looking cute! 

Mixing the old in with the new is always a stunning combination. Take a look at some of the vintage kitchen goods we have in store right now!

Tuesday Tip: Nightstands

We've all seen the generic nightstands at the furniture store: smaller tables, usually with a drawer or shelf. But all they really are is a place for you to store all the things you need before and after bedtime. With that said, why not break from the traditional table you have in mind?



Vintage suitcases make a great alternative! You can make them functional while putting your collection on display. 



Trunks of any kind have an old-world vibe, with plenty of surface area for all your bedside necessities. 



Vintage carts come in all shapes, sizes, and finishes! Find a metal cart with a great patina for an industrial feel, or go gold for a more glamourous look. 

You'll more than likely end up with more storage space than a traditional nightstand too!


Don't have the space for a trunk or cart? Build up! A ladder gives plenty of space for knick-knacks on top of the popular farmhouse vibe.

Take a peek at some of the nightstand alternatives we have in store right now!