Vendor of the Month: May

Our Vendor of the Month knows her vintage items! Samantha Golden of Golden Charm Finds got her start on Etsy before becoming a vendor at The Nat. She offers unique finds and has the most colorful booth! We think you’ll love her space here at The Nat!

Name: Samantha Golden

Business Name: Golden Charm Finds

Name three words that describe you:

Eclectic, random and faithful.

What items do you specialize in?

I love vintage pottery and glass.

What is your favorite place to source products?

A good estate/garage/yard sales are always the best place to find great treasures.

What is your most prized possession you have found over the years? 

I found hand blown glass Barbini Marano Italy birds in a tree. I still have them.

What is your best catch and release (an item you found but left behind?) 

I found (at a house clean out ) a Fiestaware Relish Dish and sold it on my Etsy shop. My first high dollar sale got me hooked.

Where do you find inspiration?

I find inspiration from Youtube and the hunt for the next treasure.

How do you spend your free time when you’re not at The Nat?

When I am not at the Nat I am getting stuff cleaned and priced. I am always working on my Etsy shop. I had to find a place for my overflow. That's when i came to the Nat.

What’s your personal motto?

My motto is live and let live.
